Friday, October 3, 2008

Serendipity after Disappointment

So I was reading the usual suspects this morning to see what people thought about the disappointing and worrisome debate last night. Disappointing because it wasn't the blood bath I and a lot of other people had hoped for(even pacifists want blood and circuses sometimes), worrisome because the fact that Palin didn't totally wash out makes me fear she might be taken seriously.

Well... too my surprise, my day was changed by an advertisement. At the side of one of the Palin articles on Huffington Post I saw this interesting little ad for the new movie The Soloist. WIth Jamie Foxx and Robert Downie Jr. I had to click the button (you should too!)

NOW... just because of this brief moment on computer I am sitting here in my apartment with tears on my face and hope for better things in my heart.

That debate last night... doesn't matter. THIS kind of stuff does.

Here's the movie website... the trailer's pretty darn good too.