Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm Sorry E...

I can't not write this blog today.

The Olympics, which I love... always... and which I think are, and should be, mostly apolitical are ending tonight in Beijing.

Because yesterday I was accidentally (in that internet sorta way) directed toward a new site with very interesting and informed connections, I have been fully confronted with a reality I was very aware of, a reality I was having a problem with, and a reality that disturbs me on many many levels.

19 years ago this summer I stood in the living room of my home in Sonoma, watching a black blank TV tuned to CNN as reporters screamed news about an unbelievable event happening at that very moment. I was stunned. My mouth open, my mind astonished. There was a real revolution happening right before our ears and the juxtaposition of voyeurism and compassion was nearly impossible to stand.

These moments were then followed by one of the most astonishing images to ever cross a media screen. The single image of one man, staring down a line of tanks.

Since that time there have been many changes in China... changes theoretically for the good, and changes theoretically for the better.

One of the main changes is that in the 19 years since Tiananmen Square the Chinese government has come to own a massive percentage of our Dubya created debt. They also are creating an ubelievable market economy that, as usual, ignores, and even exploits, the reality of the lower classes in the rural areas.

There is of course the question of the issues with Tibet and ongoing human rights violations

But the most compelling question with regard to China still comes back to those days 19 years ago when first students, and then the general population stood up to say STOP. There is an amazing documentary on the event and on the inspiration of "Tank Man" which takes 90 minutes to watch, but is completely available on You Tube. Most importantly, this documentary looks at how the west has chosen to accommodate the Chinese government and it's abuses for the simple fact that there is profit... LOTS of profit... to be made there.

At the same time that we as a government, and individuals, sell ourselves out hook, line and sinker to the authoritarian government of China, we are closing in on 50 years of embargo against a little tiny island 90 miles from our shores. Because both sides of our government cowtow to the Gusanos in Miami, in search of the ever present dollar and the ever elusive chad, our government permanently (at least in my life time) exists within a reality between selling out to a set of big time "communists" on one continent and big time greed heads on our own, while pretending that "Amerkkka" stands for freedom.

I'm 54 years old tomorrow, and I don't think I can remember when we have ever REALLY stood for freedom, despite our rhetoric and despite what I want to believe. I am pretty sure, on this evening before my anniversaire, that I don't want to live life in any way that ignores any longer the basics of what really matters. But I've struggled with that reality for my whole life (literally my WHOLE life) and I still don't have a decent answer regarding how to both exist in a life that is lovely to live, AND a life that matters.

Somewhere about 22 years ago (more or less) I was visiting new friends in LA, when one of those new friends made a comment that transformed my life. Sitting around the middle of his living room, drinking wine and pontificating about what mattered in the world, a whole collection of us waxed eloquent about the way things ought to be in the age of Reagan. At that time, I had just come back from the first Witness for Peace trip to Nicaragua, and my business partner and I were developing a gospel album that chose to truly take on the ongoing story of American militarism that included, Iran, Iraq, Guatemala, Nicaragua and more (the fact that one of the songs being worked on at that very moment could have been written yesterday is for another blog at another time). My friend stopped the conversation (and stopped my heart, my brain and forever my ongoing sense of what matters) with the comment, "Plato said that three things matter; Justice, Truth, and Beauty, and I'm ready for a little beauty." We were very big on justice and truth in those days, and I thought his advocacy of beauty was vitally important.

Right now, at nearly twice the age I was when we had that conversation, I am once again looking for truth and justice, but with the added hope that maybe we could include beauty as well. I've never been able to really pull this off, and I am forever, and rather unsuccessfully, searching for it.

But these days... I seem to have a bit more hope, and on this birthday eve I really am hoping that we might get there this time.It is indeed MY AMERICAN PRAYER.


enigma4ever said...

What an amazing post....really well written...I thought no one saw the Tank Man post I put up today...and the documentary was amazing , wasn't it ?

I actually don't remember it being on Discovery ( and certainly not recently....6-6 [my son] and I have watched every Tank Man special ever made....( he is a teenager, and has that poster in his room- and has since he was 7....he calls it the Courage poster....)

Thank you ...for understanding...I won't watch the closing tonight...I was going to watch the Atheletes....but I can not watch the militarized sweat shop pageantry...I love their Culture, but I do no admire what the Govt has done to the people...

( oye that sentiment now feels so America slips into a more and more controlling govt)

thank you for taking the time to look at something so closely...

and it is Lovely to meet you....

Happy Birthday....may it be a year of wonders and happiness....

( I added you to Watergate Summer Blogroll and will put a Welcome up about your blog tomorrow....Great BLOG ;-)

Sean Nordquist said...

i seem to remember that night 22 years ago... if not that one many others like it... I am guessing I know who that friend was... he has been mine mine entire life.. that and much more...

the olypics for me have beem an amazing juxtoposition of what is amazing about the human potential and the human failing... and clearly neither is Nation-Specific

Billie Greenwood said...

Great blog. Enigma sent me. I'll watch Tank Man on YouTube.

Thom said...

Yeah Nord... You were definitely there!

I'm thinking that was the same trip where my then tiny daughter was nearly run over by a truck in front of the house, and where on Sunday morning I had my first taste of lox and bagels (one of my all time favorite foods).

Not a small moment in time, that particular weekend.