Friday, November 21, 2008

What Do YOU See?

I found this picture on another blog and it completely blew me away (and wrecked my otherwise relatively efficient time usage for the morning). The original article for it is here and I hope it screws with you as much as it does me.

When I first looked at the picture I had it going clockwise, which is supposed to represent thinking with the right hemisphere of your brain. But then... when I start reading (a more left brained task) it switches to the counter-clockwise motion. After some practice (closing my eyes, relaxing my neck, wiggling my right and then my left hand) I can pretty much make it go whatever direction I want.

Now I'm obsessing... I wonder which hemisphere that uses. I'm also wondering what might happen with a male silhouette.... Hmmm?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Unsubscribe Me!

In one of those classic moments of the internets I found the video above quite by accident, but it moved me to act.

The video is produced by a group with whom I had a long and active involvement a long time ago, but which I have in recent years allowed to largely slip off my radar.

The ability to transform an ugly, evil act into a life affirming piece of art and to do it for the purpose of changing the world is truly an amazing accomplishment. Despite the election of Barrack... this remains an important issue, and AI remains a vitally important organization worldwide.

Please view this video (it's astonishing when played full screen), sign up, then pass it on.