Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Day The Music Died

I just heard that Larry Norman died on Sunday. I'll have more to say (and play) about him a bit later when I've had time to put together my feelings on the matter.

The thing that I find surprising at this moment is how much this has affected me, and how sad I feel. I was with Larry only a few times over a period of twenty years, but the thing that is more significant - as I reflect on him, his music, and his life - is how much his influence (particularly when I was a teenager in Arizona) affected (and/or reflected) much of what I came to believe then, and still believe now.

His ability to link life, politics, action, and faith is what became for me the vital reality of my life. It is, quite unfortunately, something which so many "Christians" on today's political scene (not to mention today's "Christian Music" scene) seem to have missed entirely.

For Larry, his God was real and vital and present, and he was one of the first people to help me understand that for myself.

I'll miss ya Larry.

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