Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Morning In America

I woke up this morning with those four words in my heart and the image of that old Ronald Reagan commercial unfortunately in my brain.

I thought about it... smiled... and dismissed the image, because as much as I love the sentiment, I did not want to despoil this extremely energizing, enlivening moment with old words and concepts that I feel have brought us (over the last 28 years) to our collective national knees, begging and scraping along ground that we should be able to walk upon with grace, and strength, and heart, and pride.

The reaction is also why I chose not to link to that old commercial, as I would normally do under such circumstances. I am done with that crap! My entire adult life has been colored with the residue of destruction that began with Reagan and ended last Tuesday night (it actually began with Richard Nixon when I was 14 years old, but that's for some other blog on some other day).

But then... I got up... I turned on my computer and I found this piece by Eugene Robinson (one of my favorite commentators, with whom I happen to share my middle name).

It IS Morning in America, and I, for one, am ready to rise!

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