Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day... Part Three

The story of how I came up with this posting is one of those twisted, and possibly pathological, stories of the internet. It started with me getting up and getting online (something that I've promised myself I wouldn't do on Sunday... oh well) to read email and news. I started, as I almost always do, with the BBC news feed and for one of those internet synchronicity reasons I tracked down a connection to BBC Radio1 and a story about Gnarls Barkley and producer DJ Dangermouse.

Now ... first off, I've never heard of this guy (okay I'm old... I know that!), but damn if this piece didn't make me want to know more about him. So, I did (again) what I always do, and started searching for Dangermouse on the web. Well I should have known this was going to happen, but I really wasn't expecting to get linked to all of the fan sites for Danger Mouse, the Greatest Secret Agent in the World. After that... I was toast... You see, when we first moved to Sonoma, when she was 7 (and the years following), my daughter Jennifer and I used to sit, pretty much every afternoon after school, and watch Danger Mouse on television. It was one of those ridiculous guilty pleasures, along with Inspector Gadget (if you really have more time on your hands than anyone should have - or if you are my sister - you really ought to check out this little web extra just for the fun of it), and later The Angry Angry Beavers, which might just be the best television show ever made, that I had the good fortune to be able to indulge in because I worked at home, picked my kid up from school most days, and had the chance to just spend fun time... time I will always be glad of and that I will never get back... with her. As strange and stupid as it seems (and might indeed be), watching Danger Mouse on TV with Jennifer (and on some days with Caleb and Lia as well) is truly one of the highlights of my life.

There were lots of other days that were almost as much fun (Desa and Jennifer dancing to Janet Jackson is one that sticks out in my mind), but those completely non-productive, and seemingly pointless, experiences when all I was doing was, as John Lennon put it it, watching the wheels have turned out to be the gold of my life. That's my Father's Day story. Danger Mouse on the big funky couch with bad snacks and lots of laughter. It's really true that "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

I've got to go now... I'm supposed to go to church and brunch with my daughter.

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