Monday, July 9, 2007

Live Earth Retro 1

Okay okay.... I haven't been doing a very good job with my "I will write every day" resolution but part of the reason for that is that there has been so much else going on in the world this past week that all I have time for is trying to make up for the time I've lost. Between the fact that the Fourth of July in the U.S.A. is a lost day (even if, like me, you spend most of it working) and the fact that the entire day I planned on spending doing work on Saturday instead got consumed by my obsessively watching Live Earth on something between four (as seen above with Melissa Etheridge, Snoop Dogg, UB40, and Sarah Brightman simultaneously breaking global and temporal barriers) and nine (the total number of different concerts) screens on my computer for 12 hours (with an additional 2 hours given over to watching the late night recap) I have spent all the rest of my available time sitting in front of my computer and battering out new work in the hope of pulling in rent, making up for clients who haven't paid me, and just generally covering my ass.

In any case... If you missed the Live Earth shows you really need to spend some time at the website where they are running lots of interesting song selections and lots of appropriate pro-earth propaganda.

The last time I spent an entire day watching world wide concerts was Live Aid back in 1985 and it proved the precursor to a HUGE burst of creative production that began with a music project only a month later, an ongoing production relationship that lasted for nearly ten years and resulted in the best production work of my life (so far), the increase of some wonderful long term relationships, the greater development of some others (y'all know who you are) as well as my first published writing and, ultimately, the 17 year relationship that still defines my life despite the fact that it met its demise over two years ago.

Some part of me, at nearly every minute of that 14 hours, hoped and longed that maybe this would not only be a day of breakthrough for the planet, but another day of breakthrough for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

getting slightly nervous when the days keep rolliig by...e