Thursday, January 3, 2008

Not Much Bang... Mostly Just Whimper

It's three days into the new year and I'm sitting listening to Miles blow the blues while the first real winter rains pitter and splat outside the window.

Normally at this time I'm all fired up and ready to go... running along on a little left over Christmas cheer (it's still Christmas until Saturday remember!) and chomping at the bit to get into and on with all of my heart felt, bouyant, and hopeful new year's resolutions. By now I've usually been running at least twice and am making plans for my first 5K or 10K of the year, on the way to my first big race (this year I'm hoping to make up for last year's aborted attempt at a return to the Big Sur Marathon), and I've usually already laid out plans for at least a couple of major business projects.

But this year... everything's kind of slow. I want to be up and movin' but I'm feeling mostly lethargic and still. I think this comes, at least somewhat as a residual effect of the moving process I'm presently engaged in. On January 1, I had to be out of the place I've been living in for the last eighteen months, but I'm not really settled into a new place of my own. I have found work space and I'm mincing through the process of setting that up, but I'm still looking for a place to live. This rather discombobulated situation makes it hard to party hardy as the new year gears up. I'm once again floating in a sea of confusion - do I move this way or that, what road do I take, what star do I follow, what new resolution do I break?

I get the feeling that I'm not the only one feeling this sense of torpor. There seems to be a lot of it in the people around me, even in the country as a whole. Partly its the season - the post-partum holiday psychosis, and the daunting "Oh shit what do I do now?" sense of beginning again. I also think it has a lot to do with the politics of the year, starting out on the long - often boring - road to finding a replacement for our present Pretender in Chief, the sluggishness in the economy and even the lethargic nature of the virtually non-existent real estate market.

In the midst of all of this I'm pretty sure that the best remedy might just be for someone to stand in front of me like Cher in Moonstruck, slap me across the face and yell "Snap out of it!"

There... I feel better already!

So... Happy New Year to you! If you've got any other sure fire solutions to the new year blues (besides Miles and Moonstruck that is), how about you let me know.

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