Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Word Of The Lord

There has been much talk over the last week regarding eEv. Dr. Jeremiah Wright and his infamous "hate sermon" but most of this talk has been more heat than light, more smoke than mirror. In this ten minute excerpt, which I found on a blog created to give context and information about Rev. Wright's church you can hear the wider context... and truly, The Word Of The Lord.

On this Easter Weekend, I hope you will take the time to watch it. We live in a country deeply divided in so many ways and over so many things, yet we CLAIM to be a "Christian Nation."

Frankly, despite being an ordained Baptist minister myself, I do not believe that we are - not should we be - a "Christian Nation." It was clearly the founder's intention for this country to have a non-religious government;, to be a pluralistic society where people were free to live and worship as their own conscience guided. Yet, despite this, our current presidential race lives and dies on issues of faith and religion.

Well... if we're going to go there, how about we give a listen to what the God that all the candidates are so busy quoting has to say about the way WE choose to live. Reverend Wright does a pretty good job.

Barack, in a speech that might be the best political speech I've ever heard, simultaneously distanced himself from Rev. Wright, and Spoke about his comments in context. Here, I disagree with Barack. Rev. Wright... indeed... has it right.

For more on the famous sermon (more than the little blip you've seen so far), you can GO HERE... AND HERE.

Please watch... please think... please pray... and then VOTE!

Thanks be to God.

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