Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Many years ago I ran a recording company that operated more like a business than most of the work I've done in the years since.

Recently I was speaking with a friend of mine about his year end/year beginning tasks as his new fiscal year was approaching on July 1. It reminded me that the fiscal year for the record company had run from July 1 and it gave me the idea that maybe one way to kick start some of the things that I would like to do and some of the new work that I would like to take on, as well as helping me find a way of closing off other work that I would like to end (and have been trying to end for quite some time) would be to re-adopt this model of the mid-year new year.

So yesterday that's what I did. I spent much of the day working through the ideas, goals, and plans that I have had running around in my head for months (some even years), I laid them down on paper, I set up specific goals (some of which I am sure you will read about here over the coming months) and I went completely against my general tendencies and set up a relatively orderly plan and structure to accomplish these things.

I even gave the company a new name... but that's something I will definitely talk about later and soon (there's actually a hint right here in this blog).

In the meantime... one of the things (yeah yeah, I know I've said this before) that I have set myself as a goal is to blog on at least one, and hopefully more, of my blogs every day. If you want to keep track of this for yourself you can link to the RSS feed for this blog and/or any of the others. If instead you would like me to do that work for you, then send me an email at thom@mercreate.com and put "blog news" in the subject line. I'll add you to my new mailing list and let you know when there's something to read.

Like I said... beyond that, there's more news to come, but right now... there's still rent to pay, and I've gotta get back to work!

1 comment:

Sean Nordquist said...

I like this idea... and - once again - your revelation seems to coincide with mine. It is really uncanny how often this seems to be happening...