Saturday, August 23, 2008

Let's Go Joe!

Okay... so the suspense is over. I didn't get my promised text message last night though. Several weeks ago the Obama campaign txt messaged (can that REALLY be a verb!?!?) me stating that Barack would be announcing his VP choice by txt message in the coming weeks so all us lucky millions of minions should stand by our phones.

Well... I did. Don't ask me why. It's not like I didn't have plenty of other things to do besides checking my cell phone, but there I was all day yesterday, checking and rechecking the little silver Motorola in my pocket every time I felt a stray buzz or heard a faraway beep. Other people got the call, but not me.

So this morning I get up and turn on CNN only to find out that John King has scooped me! Joe Biden is the VP selection, and while it left me feeling a bit jilted, I have to say that this really is MY Dream Ticket.

I have admired Joe Biden since I was in college and he was a freshman senator during the Watergate hearings. I have never ceased to be impressed by him ever since. There have been many times when he felt a little too conservative for my most leftward leanings, and other times when his straight talk, down the line, dog with a bone questioning in Senate hearings has made me smile and made me proud. He's always been one of those people that makes me feel glad about being American. He's given me a lot of those "see what humans can do" kind of moments.

Joe Biden is, as one commentator I heard described him this morning, a "happy warrior." He is perpetually smiling while at the same time you get the sense that the man is about as grounded as it's possible to be. It's going to be tough for the McCain campaign to weasel in on Joe. He provides the stability that people keep trying to claim is lacking in Barack (I don't agree with those people by the way, but that's for another blog).

Besides all that... he's a real snappy dresser!

Right now though, I wanna know how come I didn't get that 3 am phone call.


enigma4ever said...

I am sorry about the Phonecall/ text messege...Some people got it and some didn't...
50/50 got it...

But here is the thing- the BIG question...Did Hillary get HER messege at 3am ?

( sorry- but that really made me laugh...)

Soooo you too were a Watergate Watcher...ahhh...that is interesting...( I was a teen and yes, I was obsessed with it....from the Breakin on.....)

We are still waiting for the Crooks to be Caught this time ?

Sean Nordquist said...

i got mine... of course, i was never a hillary supporter, so maybe that's why...