Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Brand New Day

It was two years ago that I began blogging with SpeakLo, and in that time an interesting collection of events (and non-events) has passed through my floating consciousness. What began as an experiment in the form and an attempt to report on my impending move, turned into an interesting excursion back and forth across the country thanks to that lovely girl named Katrina. Along the way some other thoughts sneaked in and out and progressively found there way to other blogs like Butting Heads and George Washington's Cousin.

I have recounted the ups and downs of losing my city while also breaking up with my POSSLQ of 17 years and I pissed her off on occasion because I chose to talk about those feelings, but, well... that's another story (hell, it could be another blog). I have ranted and raved about government incompetencies, mayoral faux pas, and the clueless and self-congratulatory reality of Northern California living room liberalism, and I've spent a lot of time talking about music.

But things have been getting stale of late, and somehow I've been feeling constrained by the format I created there and I want to break out of it. I don't know how I want to break out of it or what I want to do once having broken out of whatever it is that I'm in. What I do know is that I would like to explore lightness and craziness and joy. I want to play with ideas and play with events and play with the waves and play with people. Hence the title for the blog... Quicksilver Amusements... A chance to explore things - all kinds of things - imaginatively, creatively, and (hopefully) thoughtfully.

I have no idea where we're going to be going... but I think it'll be a fun ride. I'm going to attempt to return to posting every day, even if it's just a short sentence, a poem, or a picture. I am also hoping that I can build a new collection of readers and participants without pissing off and losing my old faithfuls. After two years of plodding along a confusing path of regularly frustrating darkness, I'm looking for some light. I'm looking for a Brand New Day!

1 comment:

Sean Nordquist said...

Then it is a challenge! I will also pledge to post at least once aday, be it only a single line or memorable story... or even just the song that is in my head all day long... (curse you Jimmy Buffett for your catchy, island-sun-soaked lyrics!!!)

I like the new look. And I have linked to you. So there you have it.