Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Adrift in the Home of the Free Part Deux

I'm not a major fan of Amy Goodman's Democracy Now program. While on the one hand it always seems to me they do good work, and they have a history of paying attention to the things that matter, they also come off amateurish, overwrought and ineffective.

NEVERTHELESS... Amy Goodman and the folks that work with her serve a VERY important purpose in the ongoing reportage of incidents, material, and secrets that would not otherwise see the light of day (even if the daylight they see is extremely limited). In the midst of their reporting they regularly enter the fray of the controversies and protests that they are covering (as far back as 26 years ago, Pacifica reporters were broadcasting from jail when I was arrested with several thousand other protesters at Lawrence Livermore Labs).

Yesterday two producers from Democracy Now, and later Amy Goodman - who was working to get them released - was arrested as well. The above video shows her personal citizen/authority interaction.

This is the general nature of police forces under such circumstances, and particularly the case under present circumstances, present legal convolutions, and the present administration.

As of this writing, Amy, et al have been released, but are still under indictment.

This is not America!

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