I had nothing on this blog yesterday to celebrate the transformation of everything we know because I woke up yesterday morning with some strange illness that barely even let me lift my head up from the pillow. Increasingly, over the last eight years, and most especially over the last several weeks, I've been holding my hopes, dreams, longings, and desires like holding my breath to duck dive under Ocean Beach waves. When the polls in California closed Tuesday night, I knew we - as individuals, as people, as a nation - had indeed overcome.
Underneath it all, I think my body knew that, for the moment at least, it could rest.... by Wednesday morning it had collapsed.
I lay in bed all day listening to the radio, attempting to watch television, falling asleep, waking up, strangely disconnected and constantly weeping.
What an amazing moment. What a wonderful day.
as I said to my good friend (and then used in today's blog entry), I am beside myself with euphoria...
I had some cautious optimism that we would win, but I have had my heart broken over and over with these sorts of things, so i didn't let myself get too excited... but when i saw Pennsylvania fall... the Ohio... then Virginia... and then when someone let slip that the AP had called Florida, i lost it...
a freakin landslide...
yes we can, and yes we did...
its not just morning again in America... its a brand new day, a new dawn, and a new generation of hope and desire has made their mark with authority, declaring without question that we will NOT be ignored any longer.
i can't wipe the exhausted grin from my face...
I think everyone is still stunned...Cloud NIne is full ;-)
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