Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Bubble Day!

Yesterday was my birthday and in an ongoing change of lifestyle that has been rolling out ever since last year at this time, I actually TOOK THE DAY OFF!

What did I do instead of spending the majority of my waking hours staring at the screen of my Mac? Well... to read about that go over to FoodFetish and take a look. It mostly has to do with Karen and I heading out in search of bubbles... many many bubbles.

For me this birthday felt like the culmination of a process that began for me a year ago when I finally put to bed some of the deepest struggle, lostness and pain that came out of the summer of 2005 when I first moved to - and then away from - New Orleans, before, during and after Katrina. For me it's been a year of truly rebuilding my life; finding new love, of finding a new place to be, seeing my daughter get married and enter a whole new life of her own, finding new people, new work, new enjoyments (and renewed old enjoyments), new pastimes, and new hope.

We ended the day in another BUBBLY FASHION, when we made it home in time to catch Ted Kennedy at the convention.

Watching his speech felt like a significant part of my birthday, for it ended a truly perfect day with the up note of positivity, hope for the future (even in the face of brain cancer) and the idea that a change really just might be around the corner.

It was a very good day. Indeed... it was a BEAUTIFUL day.


enigma4ever said...

Hope and Courage in the Face of Adversity....what a great Birthday Messege....Who could want more ?

It was an amazing night to see Change come...
and that it was on your birthday...wonderful...

Anonymous said...

Wow you must be so gutted to not get in the water on your birthday buddy, too bad maybe next year! h

Billie Greenwood said...

Happy birthday.
I agree: Ted Kennedy called me to greater appreciation of life and awareness of how I need to better live my gift of life. He was amazing.