Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I've posted a video and discussion regarding Sarah Palin's churches and her connections to The American Taliban at my George Washington's Cousin website because people need to know what this woman is, and those behind her are, all about. I am not a fear monger, and I believe in the political process, but we are truly through the looking glass here and we need to be paying attention.

Someone said about politicians that "It's not who you vote for, but who they bring with them." This has been especially true in the last eight years and if, by some absurd possibility, the country elects McCain/Palin the folks THEY bring with em will be a disaster.


Billie Greenwood said...

I hadn't thought of that. A chilling thought, indeed.

Thom said...

THAT is precisely where the problem lies (well besides the problem of their being raving fundamentalist maniacs in the first place that is).

NOBODY's thought about it, but them... and they have a plan.

The Republican's (like KArl and Shrub) who have sold the party to these hoohas are at least as condescending as they accuse Democrats of being. They think they're dealing with rubes, backwater preachers, and numbskulls and that after they've used them to control the country they can jetison them like so many out of work steel workers.

But they can't. When they HAVE the power (which could be very soon if we don't seriously pay attention and do something) they will pull the trigger that they have been very careful to hide up til now.