Friday, September 12, 2008

A Sneak Preview of Things To Come

My post at George Washington's Cousin which I mention below has recently been altered.

The Sarah Palin video, which includes large chunks of images and information regarding the fanatical and incendiary group of right wing "christians" that she belongs to has been removed from You Tube and is no longer available. Instead I went to the filmmaker's website and was able to find the piece hosted on another server, so I have subsequently changed the link.

This kind of thing is pretty typical procedure for Google (which owns You Tube.. AND Blogspot). It has also been increasingly typical behavior in the U.S. during these "Bush League" years.

I REALLY hate getting into these fear-mongering perspectives and propagating the kind of negativity that seems to be flying about, BUT... I am afraid that it is only a small example of what is likely to come if we do not defend our precious liberty and prevent McCain/Palin and their cadre of revisionist neo non-thinkers from taking over the government.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." ~Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

enigma4ever said...

keep up the Battle- it is worth it....good job..