Saturday, September 13, 2008

What Would Jesus Do?

This story, my storypeople story of the day, brings up an excellent point.

What WOULD Jesus Do... not just in his circumstances meandering about Palestine 2,000 years ago, but right here today, under THESE circumstances, with THESE conditions, and THIS world? That's a reasonably interesting question. One of the first, and one of my favorite, things I learned in seminary was the principle of reading and grappling with scripture here and now, living with it in present reality and not simply accepting the stories for their ancient, and temporally-bound, content.

When you ask the question what would Jesus (or whomever you choose to emulate) do in my circumstances, you are indeed likely to come up with a new answer like the one posed above. The next question is, of course, does "NO" mean he would do the same thing he did before, or that he would do the same thing as you?

What does YOUR "magic religious 8 ball" say? Hmmmmm?

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